Capitale Partners - EN
Flexible legal framework

Flexible legal framework

Contractual freedom... within a framework

Legally speaking, some furnished rental property is not bound by the application of the 6 July 1989 (3-6-9 years leases), specially for leases less than one year or in favor of a legal entity. The details of a furnished lease are, therefore, left to the estimation and agreement of the two parties and brought together as a convention within the framework provided by new measures and by various laws and decrees of a less general nature. This specifically allows, in theory, more flexibility and adaptability with each individual case.

Also, since 20th January 2005 all landlords renting out furnished property must respect the new provisions when the rental constitutes the tenant’s principal residence, and the tenant is an individual:
- the minimum duration of the lease is 1 year, tacitly renewable;
- the minimum duration of any notice in the case of holidays or in the case of a modification to the conditions of the renewed lease is set at 1 month.

The provision for the duration of the lease does not apply when the tenant is a corporate body.

New provisions are based on the ‘Loi de Programmation pour la Cohésion Sociale’ of 18th January 2005 (Published on 19th ) modifying Article L632-1 of the ‘Code de Construction et de l’Habitation’. Above all its aim is to guard against … “slumlords”.

The Law Alur (March 2014) came to modify some measures. Through CAPITALE PARTNERS, you have access to a specialized legal department who will help you in compliance with the law to establish a lease whilst explaining the reciprocal rights and obligations to each party.